
Top 10 Guns To Buy During a Pandemic

Americans have an obsession with guns according to left-wingers, and that’s pretty normal, considering what the Second Amendment in the Constitution reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” What the left conveniently forgets on a…

10 Foods People Ate During Famines: Learning what foods kept people alive in the past will help you prepare for surviving a famine if the need arrives

Necessity really is the mother of invention. When famine strikes, and people are hungry, they start looking for unusual sources of food. Most people wouldn’t dream of eating these things today. But, these ten ingenious foods from history prove there are no picky eaters when food is scarce. Learning what foods kept people alive in…

Covert op: “the virus” The short-term goal is wrecking economies. The long-term goal is taking the population into a new world of technocratic control

The elite planners have been selling A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS. In covert intelligence operations, this would be called a cover story. It obscures true goals. It justifies crimes that would otherwise be nakedly exposed. In a really large covert op, the cover story hides a number of goals and justifies a number of crimes.…


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